There are a handful of fees to set up and maintain a Gold IRA Account.
First, there is a fee to process your new self directed gold IRA application. This is typically a one time fee charged by your chosen Gold IRA Company and usually less than $150.
Next, when you purchase your precious metals coins or bars, there maybe be the following:
A transaction fee. This fee is placed on every transaction you conduct with your Gold IRA Account and will be listed in your Gold IRA Company’s schedule of fees. There may be a markup on top of the price of your purchase. this is also known as a ‘premium’ and is dependant on the type of coins or bars you buy and their current popularity and demand in the marketplace. Ask your Gold IRA specialist for a breakdown of these costs as they will vary from company to company.
Once you have set up and funded your Gold IRA and purchased your precious metals and have had your them placed in an IRS approved storage facility, future annual maintenance will be simple and economical.
Plan on paying a yearly adminitrative and storage fees of between $200 and $300. Be sure to ask you Gold IRA specialists for a disclosure on these annual fees.
Our preferred Gold IRA company can answer this question and provide you with the appropriate disclosures. Get your no cost IRA Gold Guide here…